SAUCER KOMMAND 2022-09-16 18:34:56


Two of the many u.f.o. documentarysploitation films from SUN Productions, Inc. (sometimes Sunn International, sometimes Sunn Classics Pictures) They seemed to dominate the market in the 1970s for the paranormal/supernatural/cryptid/unexplained phenomena documentary. Many of these films were rife with inaccuracies, rumors, unsubstantiated claims and HILARIOUS re-enactments. Rod Serling hosted the top one! They always got top-shelf (read former A-listers on their way back down the ladder of sucksess) talent to narrate these.

They used to call these types of films “mondo” movies after the runaway success of the Mondo Cane series of staged documentary films and their legion of imitators. Faces of Death is one of the more widely remembered “mondo” type movies. Needless to say, I LOVE “mondo” movies. Every single one of them.

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