i-dragonqueen: Credits to French artist Pénélope Bagieu (I only…


Credits to French artist Pénélope Bagieu (I only translated).

After the one about Wu Zetian, this one is about Mae “Ultimate Bae” Jemison.

Please note that these strips are part of Pénélope Bagieu’s comic book series “Les Culottées” (an untranslatable pun meaning both “The Bold Ones” and “The Panty-wearers”), which is about awesome women of every era, color, origin, sex and more. If you speak French, I encourage you to read them, there are two as of now!

Take a look at those about Agnodice or N’Zinga

EDIT: @all the horrible transphobes who apparently love reblogging this: the original book also has a comic like this about a great trans woman (Christine Jorgensen). Your hatred is disgusting, and you will not make all the hard work that went into this comic a vessel of it. PISS OFF.

the-windrider: The praised Brood Saga explored Storm’s connection to nature – the earth, sun, stars,…


The praised Brood Saga explored Storm’s connection to nature - the earth, sun, stars, and its elements. Without them her spiritual and physical vitality is weakened, as they are her sustenance. A weakened Goddess of Life as well as the Storm finds a concentration of stars and suns in empty space when meditating on her fidelity to the preservation of life. In carrying out her final decision she draws on the energy of the stars and channeled them to cleanse her body via using the stars energy to burn herself from within and without.

nbcnews: Astronomer says aliens might zap black holes with…


Astronomer says aliens might zap black holes with lasers to travel the galaxy

An astronomer at Columbia University has a new guess about how hypothetical alien civilizations might be invisibly navigating our galaxy: Firing lasers at binary black holes (twin black holes that orbit each other). 

The idea is a futuristic upgrade of a technique NASA has used for decades.

Read more.

grandegyptianmuseum: The Weighing of the Heart CeremonyThe Two…


The Weighing of the Heart Ceremony

The Two Truths in the Judgment Hall weigh the heart of the deceased against Truth, Ma’at. Vignette from a papyrus depicting the Weighing the Heart of the deceased in a balance. 

The baboon is one form of Thoth, inventor of writing and secretary to the gods, whose other form is as an ibis-headed man. Above the balance is a block of written hieroglyphs. Detail from a funerary papyrus dates to the 18th Dynasty (ca. 1550-1292 BC) of the New Kingdom of Egypt. Now in the Louvre.

earthstory: Misty valesThe crust of our planet was heavily…


Misty vales

The crust of our planet was heavily wreathed in rising groundmist rising from the river valleys of steamy equatorial Venezuela on the day that this photo was taken from the space station. Occasional breaks in the fog allowed the astronauts a glimpse into the world below while a few bright clouds were dotted above. While I find the scientific information that flows from satellite based observation fascinating, and delight in the endless interactions they reveal between the great components of our world system (geosphere, atmosphere, oceans and biosphere), the simple sights of our world from above are always what move me most towards a deeper love, respect and awareness of the loveliness of the blue marble which we all share with the living organisms that make up the great and variegated bush of life. In this world of ours, everything depends on everything else, and we forget this basic and brutal fact at our peril…..Whether intelligence is an evolutionary boon to a species or not, we will certainly be finding out over the next couple of centuries.


Image credit: Col. Chris Hadfield