ir-egipto-travel:Philae Temples, Egypt.⁣⁣According to tradition, the island was considered one of…


Philae Temples, Egypt.⁣

According to tradition, the island was considered one of the burial places of Osiris, was therefore considered a sacred place; In fact it was considered sacrilegious to get close to anyone who was not a priest. The most important temple is the temple of Isis, built in the Ptolemaic period, dominating the whole island and was the main center of the cult of Isis.

In this structure they were joined by two other temples dedicated to the gods Horus and Hathor, so that File, in the second century BC, became one of the most important pilgrimage sites of Ancient Egypt.⁣

The temples were closed in the VI century A.D. by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I.⁣

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