twkaus: FF vs Galactus by uncannyknackCartoons & Comics /…


FF vs Galactus 

by uncannyknackCartoons & Comics / Digital Media / Comics / Other 

©2014-2017 uncannyknackWIP of big G vs the FF. 

This was originally going to be a Godzilla piece but things changed along the way  This piece owes to Kirby, Byrne, Sideshow and inspired by a bunch of talented artists who have tackled and killed this time-honoured ongoing battle. Much to do here yet  

amntenofre: detail of the prow of the sacred barque of Amon-Ra…


detail of the prow of the sacred barque of Amon-Ra represented on the south wall (upper register) of the Chapel of Amon-Ra in the “Great Temple” of King Sethi I at Abydos:
on the prow’s finial is represented the ram’s head of Amon-Ra emerging from the Lotus flower, wearing the Solar disk with the Uraeus and an ornate collar with an image of the King making adorations to Amon-Ra.
Behind the ram’s head are represented
Upuaut in His form of sphinx with an Uraeus and standing on a standard,
a big fan,
and two images of the King offering vessels towards the shrine where is housed the cult statue of Amon-Ra (concealed by a white linen cloth).
To the left, an image of the King kneeling and offering a floral bouquet and a grand ‘Ankh’ (the symbol of Life)